Nathan Testa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nathan Testa)


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Vídeo: Tiene 15 años y es la segunda vez en su vida
— Con solo 15 años, el australiano Nathan Testa lo ha vivido dos veces. La segunda de ellas ocurrió este jueves, cuando el rockero ofrecía un ...

Nathan Testa reflects on life as a teenage businessmanThe Daily Telegraph
— Nathan Testa, 18, of Noraville, is the founder of web design and technology company Teko Corporation and left school at 16 to pursue his ...

Nathan Testa, 11, will have no more waitin' for the concert ...Courier Mail
— RULE No.1 in any workplace is don't upstage The Boss, but when 11-year-old Nathan Testa was hand-picked by Bruce Springsteen to join him on ...

Teenager steals the show at Springsteen concertYahoo
— Brisbane teenager Nathan Testa was just one of the thousands of adoring fans watching "The Boss" on his Australian tour when he whipped out ...
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