Nawroz Sabah Hamid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nawroz Sabah Hamid)


(1 - 4 von 19

Iraqis launch counterattack against ISIS near Ramadi | CNN
After days of seeing ISIS fighters advance east out of Ramadi, an alliance of Iraqi forces who oppose the … group say they've launched a counterattack.

Coordinated Iraqi assaults continue | The Seattle Times
Insurgents unleashed a series of deadly bombings in Iraq's capital and beyond yesterday, staging a series of coordinated and increasingly...

Guardian: Narendra Modi to face down critics by hailing Clean India scheme a...

Prime minister’s announcement of an end to open defecation in India marred by claims of coercion and violence

People Power - Fighting for Peace, IWM London, review: A moving,...
What an original and surprising idea for an exhibition:
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