Nekisha Jacqueline Vaughn Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nekisha Jacqueline Vaughn)


(1 - 2 von 5

McDonald's cheeseburger left in doctors' surgery for 2 YEARS - can...
Two chiropractors in Michigan left a sandwich and a chicken taco on the counter of their surgery to make people think about what they are putting into their...

Why do McDonald's and Taco Bell meals appear 'fresh' after YEARS in...
Dr Jacqueline Vaughn, of Vaughn Chiropractic, told Daily Mail Online on Wednesday that she hoped to make people think about what they ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Nekisha Jacqueline Vaughn
Person "Vaughn" (1)
Vorname "Jacqueline" (16267)
Name "Vaughn" (2249)
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