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Auflistung TOBIAS-lib - Publikationen und Dissertationen nach Autor...
ascending, descending. Results: 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, Now showing items 1-1 of 1. Aquaglyceroporins of Trypanosoma brucei a potential target for chemotherapy: cloning, heterologous expression, biochemical characterization and localization. Uzcategui Araujo, Nestor Luis (2006); Dissertation. Now showing items

Nestor Luis Reverol - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
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Nestor Luis Bermúdez | Exposure Awards Entry
Was halten Sie von Nestor Luis Beitrag bei den LensCulture Exposure Awards ? Teilen Sie den Beitrag jetzt, um die besten Bilder um die Welt zu schicken!...

Aquaglyceroporins of Trypanosoma brucei a potential target for...
Uzcategui Araujo, Nestor Luis: Aquaglyceroporins of Trypanosoma brucei a potential target for chemotherapy: cloning, heterologous expression, biochemical characterization
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