Nicholas Barclay Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nicholas Barclay)


(1 - 4 von 32
) - Transcripts
CAREY GIBSON, NICHOLAS BARCLAY'S SISTER: The thought of what somebody's have done to him. It gives you nightmares. It ruined us.

Frederic Bourdin - Top 10 Imposters - TIME
... with imprisonment after another one of his stories unraveled in 1997, Bourdin assumed the identity of a missing American boy named Nicholas Barclay. › article

BBC NEWS | Europe | France holds 'Chameleon' impostor
French police question a 31-year-old serial impostor who passed himself off as a schoolboy aged 15.

Superbedragaren har haft 500 identiteter | Inloggad | Expressen
NEW YORK. Det finns historier så osannolika att vore de en roman så skulle vi antagligen anse att författaren gått för långt i sin fantasi. Som den om...
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