Nick Schmitt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nick Schmitt)


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GeometrieWerkstatt | Fournoids
Fournoids Nick Schmitt. K-noids are constant mean curvature (CMC) immersions of a k-punctured Riemann sphere into Euclidean 3-space with ends asymptotic to CMC Delaunay half-cylinders of revolution.. These fournoids were constructed by the loop group Weierstrass representation of CMC surfaces. Unlike k-noids with Platonic symmetries. which are based on trinoids and hence have no …

Nick Schmitt + Klangdeko - Einhausen / Bürgerhaus › event › nick-schmitt-klangdeko9256
Party und Nightlife. Und wieder mal geht es in Einhausen richtig zur Sache: Heute für euch im Gepäck: Nick Schmitt, der Veteran aus dem Hause NEW STYLEZ ...

Flächentheorie Seminar - Mathematisches Institut
, Le …ode de repère mobile de Maurer-Cartan I, Nick Schmitt

Search | College of Business - Illinois State
Agenda and Meeting Summaries ... Community College) ,Benjamin Rodriguez ( Southern Illinois University Carbondale) ,Nick Schmitt (Heartland Community ...
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