Nico Rojas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nico Rojas)


Nico Rojas: Guitarist and composer whomixed Cuban rhythms with jazz |...
Although he was unable to properly write down his own compositions and never pursued music as anything more than a hobby, Nico Rojas was a highly respected...

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Where @nicorojas_10 is being talked about on Twitter around the world

Gitarre und Klavier - Bremen Südost: Stadtteil-Kurier ...
Sie spielen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach, Fernando Sor, Nico Rojas und Joaquin Rodrigo. Begleitet werden sie am Klavier von Eum Mi Kim. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Cesar Portillo de la Luz Dies at Havana Times
May 05, · Cesar Portillo de la Luz Dies at this musical movement was founded along with José Antonio Méndez and other composers such as Nico Rojas, ...
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Person "Rojas" (1)
Vorname "Nico" (17815)
Name "Rojas" (3686)
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