Nicole Krahn Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nicole Krahn)


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Decades after spending her childhood in and out of the hospital,...
'I think somewhere inside of me there was something saying,

Nurses reunite, with roles switched, decades later
— That nurse, Nicole Krahn, was assigned to administer the IV this summer as Bartos settled in for one of the three-hour appointments at ... › health-wellness › news

This story will remind you how amazing nurses are - New York ...
— Nurse Nicole Krahn (left) gets rheumatoid arthritis medication ready for semi-retired nurse Lynn Bartos at Froedtert & the Medical ... ›

Hoitaja sai asiakkaakseen oman hoitajansa vuosien takaa
Sairaanhoitaja Nicole Krahn ei myöskään tunnistanut potilastaan heti, vaikka nimi kuulostikin tutulta. Kun Krahn ja Bartos pääsivät ...
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