Nigel Hart Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nigel Hart)


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Nigel Hart: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Nigel Hart | Times of...
Nigel Hart News: Latest and Breaking News on Nigel Hart. Explore Nigel Hart profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of Nigel Hart. Also...

BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | NI doctors in Everest rescue drama
Two Northern Ireland doctors have helped rescue a young woman from the

Mournes trek a challenge on Everest scale -
Climbing mountains for charity has almost become predictable, a bit of an endurance cliche even, but not when it comes to Dr Nigel Hart, who is putting on his...
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Person "Hart" (11)
Vorname "Nigel" (1741)
Name "Hart" (2136)
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