Nikolas Sachs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nikolas Sachs)


(1 - 4 von 14

Wasserspringerin Somloi in Madrid Siebente |
Die Österreicherin Sophie Somloi hat beim Grand Prix der Wasserspringer in Madrid Rang sieben belegt.

Clemson vs. South Carolina - Swimming World News
Nikolas Sachs took second on the 3-meter and fourth on the 1-meter, while freshman Andrew Helmich was third on both boards. In women's ...

Louisville vs. Pittsburgh - Swimming World News
Cardinal Nikolas Sachs was second for the men on the 3-meter board being edged by just seven points with a score of Sachs prevailed ...

Notre Dame in Pole Position in Both Men's, Women's Races at Big East...
Louisville's men won two straight as Nikolas Sachs topped the men's one-meter diving event with points. Notre Dame's Nicholas ...
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