Nils Grenda Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nils Grenda)


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BAADER Acquires Majority Stake in EMYDEX, Establishing its › press › baader-acquires-majority...
vor 4 Tagen · ... David McMahon, CEO EMYDEX, Petra Baader, CEO BAADERGlobal SE; James Grennan CTO EMYDEX; Dr. Nils Grenda,Chief Corporate Secretary BAADER.

BAADER Acquires Majority Stake in EMYDEX, Establishing its
Nils Grenda, Chief Corporate Secretary BAADER. BAADER, a globally renowned manufacturer and supplier of food processing machinery and solutions, has acquired ...

BAADER and EMYDEX: Pioneering Digital
— Nils Grenda, Chief Corporate Secretary BAADER. In a world where digitalisation is the key catalyst for industry evolution, we at BAADER have ...

Baader acquires majority stake in Irish tech firm
— ... Nils Grenda. Image: Emydex. The German company plans to integrate new software offerings through Emydex, while the Irish company looks to ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Nils Grenda
Vorname "Nils" (14936)
Name "Grenda" (134)
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