Nina Janik Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nina Janik)


(1 - 4 von 8

Entertainment at Vallarta's Act II Doesn't End When the Snow Melts
Ok, so the snow has melted and our 'Snowbirds' have flown North, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to do in Puerto Vallarta. ACT II Entertainment has a...

Act II Stages Entertainment Does Not End When the Snow Melts
The season hasn't ended yet at Act II Stages with upcoming performances of Swinging on a Star, Joan Houston, Dress Rehearsal, Karaoke Party and Forever Elvis...

PVAngels Events & Activities Calendar
Directed by Nina Janik and featuring Michael Gibney, Edoardo Rocha, Kharla Barrigan and Mary Jo Nelson, four actors show up for the final ...

What's Happening at Act II Stages Entertainment in Puerto Vallarta
If you haven't been to Puerto Vallarta's ACT II Entertainment recently, you don't know what you've been missing! There's always something fun happening at...
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