Related im Yasni Exposé von Nino David Jordan

(51 seit 06.01.2013)



Nino David Jordan

Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch

11 Informationen zu Nino David Jordan

How To Sensitize The Financial Industry To Resource Efficiency Considerations And Climate Change Related Risks

Downloadable (with restrictions)! Increasing resource efficiency can potentially deliver important economic and environmental benefits. Many of these benefits are regularly foregone because the financial sector's capacity to adequately take the opportunities and risks arising from resource utilization and related climate change aspects into account has so far remained relatively undeveloped. Focusing on the case of Germany, a number of barriers to the inclusion of resource efficiency and climate change aspects into financial services' considerations are presented. Corresponding measures for improving the capacity of the financial sector to better integrate resource efficiency considerations and climate change related risks into its operating procedures are introduced. The measures encompass the areas of risk controlling, company reporting, institutional reporting requirements, as well as additional supporting measures.
0x 06.01.13  +  

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