Nisrin Lab Lack Person-Info 

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Lack of diversity in gifted education: Some readers see segregation › education-lab › lack-of-div...
· Education Lab's look at the lack of diversity among students identified as gifted provoked strong reaction from readers.

Dekker, colleagues at Curie Institute untangle Barr body of inactive...
Dekker and colleagues have developed a model system that may be an important tool for understanding chromosome structure and gene expression.

Traditional Cath Lab Practices Scrutinized, Some Debunked, in AHA...
· Some of the things that are regularly done in the cardiac cath lab lack solid supporting evidence and probably shouldn't be done anymore, ...

University of Minnesota lab aims to use simplified cells | MPR News
Man-made molecules that mimic cells but aren't alive could be used to study dangerous diseases in detail, test new drugs or even define life on other planets.
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