Nouri Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nouri Just)


Guardian: Abdelhak ‘Appie’ Nouri: ‘We are with him 24/7, talking to him,...

Abdelhak Nouri was living his dream, playing for Ajax, when he collapsed on the pitch and suffered permanent brain damage. His family and friends talk...

Sareh Nouri Just Upped the Bridal Getting-Ready Game In a Major Way -...
Not going to lie, bridal robes have been around for a long time. Like, they’ve been part of a wedding morning fashion trend for well over a decade - at least.

Just in: 2years 8months 19days former Ajax midfielder wakes up from...
It was revealed today that the former Ajax midfielder Abdelhak Nouri just woke up from coma after he collapsed during a pre season friendly

Joel Kinnamans watch brand nominated for two design awards — FMCA –...
Joel Kinnamans watch brand Carl Edmond nominated for two design awards. The brand was nominated in Svenska designpriset and Publishingpriset.
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