Nylon Job Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nylon Job)


BBC ON THIS DAY | 22 | 1966: ICI announces big nylon job losses

Britain's largest manufacturing company Imperial Chemical Industries announces 1,000 redundancies at its nylon-fibre producing factories.

Shun li plastic metal manufactory jobs - irohuvediget.ga

Zhejiang Shunli Zipper Co., Ltd. China Manufacturer with main products:Metal zipper,Plastic zipper,Nylon Job Title Export Manager; Telephone ...

TrevMcRevs 924 Grp4 Rallye Build - Tribute, Track, or Hot Rod - PFA

Might as well consolidate some posts into 1 thread here...So for some context I'll copy in my original Wanted & Found threads below, then carry on with ...
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