Olga Hafner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Olga Hafner)


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eGGSA Newspaper Extracts - eGGSA Newspaper Extracts

South African Newspaper Extracts provided by eGGSA online branch of the Genealogical Society of

Tiny bubbles of pure pleasurePressReader

— Hafner is the son of Port Elizabeth's doyenne of wine, Olga Hafner, who runs Meridian's Eastern Cape and Garden Route operation, ... › th...

Erzieher, Heilerziehungs- und Kinderpfleger - waz.de

Den Abschluss als Staatlich geprüfte Erzieher bestanden: André Altmann, Nadine Behmer, Laura Bornmann, Lena Brinkmann, Elena Fostiropoulos, Jennifer Freitag,...
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