Olga Hans Person-Info 

( Ich bin Olga Hans)


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Cellist who lost the use of his left hand because of brain cancer...

I had the great pleasure of playing with Dominik in the Double Concerto for Cello by Olga Hans. https://t.co/nl1Ch9Mc5W. — Evelyn Glennie ...

Navigator - musical logos of the cityscape - MDF Festival

Since the first edition in 2018, the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival has eluded the definitions and conventional perception of festivals and a philharmonic as an...

Obituary: Dominik Połoński, 1977–2018 | News | The Strad

Polish cellist who kept playing one-armed after a brain tumour surgery incapacitated his left side, succumbs to return of disease at the age of 41

Krakow, Poland - Kronos Quartetkronosquartet.org › events › detail

Olga Hans / String Quartet No. 5, “Winter Lay” Alter Yechiel Karniol (arr. Judith Berkson) / Sim Sholom + World premiere. Mark Nowakowski / String Quartet No.
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