Olga Ioppa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Olga Ioppa)


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German Victims' Families to Sue Ukraine Over Downing of MH

Giemulla is representing the families of 23-year old Olga Ioppa, her 24-year-old fiancée Andre Anghel and another victim whose family has asked not to be identified. He will demand 1 million ...

Bild.de: Todesflug MH17: Die Geschichten der deutschen Opfer - BILD.de

19. Juli · Die deutsche Studentin Olga Ioppa aus Nordrhein-Westfalen starb im Unglücksflieger MH 17. Die junge Frau studierte Medizin, wollte mit ihrem Freund Andrei (24) auf eine Backpacking-Tour durch...

The passengers and crew of Flight MH17The Times

— Wilhelmina Broghammer, Fatima Dyczynski, Olga Ioppa, Gabriele Lauschet. Indonesia Hadiono Gunawan, Yuli Hastini, Mr Hendry, Yelena Huizen, ...

olga ioppa - ultimele știriadevarul.ro

olga ioppa - ultimele știri. olga ioppa · EXCLUSIV Lacrimi ruseşti în urma catastrofei aviatice din Ucraina. Olga, iubita clujeanului aflat în „avionul ...
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