Oliver Ehmig Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Ehmig)


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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No - it's a crime-fighting parachute ...

Rex Features - Belgian Shepherd Jany jumps out of the plane while strapped to the chest of Officer Jorge Herrera (Oliver Ehmig/Solent News ...

globo: Manobra arriscadíssima deixa helicópteros separados por 1 metro |...

Um festival aéreo na Colômbia deixou os espectadores de boca aberta. Uma manobra arriscadíssima deixou dois helicópteros Black Hawks a um metro de...

Pilots show sharp skills with blade stunt – The Sun

Photographer Oliver Ehmig said many spectators had to look away as the Black Hawk pilots almost crossed blades. The incredible stunt began ...

Pictures of the Day: 26 April 2018

... Black Hawk helicopter's rotor blades creates pattern on the surface of the sea off the coast of Covenas, Colombia. Oliver Ehmig/ Solent News.
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