Oliver Heckl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Heckl)


Jannik Zenner,¹ Oliver Heckl,² Jan Kodet,³ Karl Ulrich ...Rotational Seismology

Passive and Active Ring Lasers for Geodesy. Jannik Zenner,¹ Oliver Heckl,² Jan Kodet,³ Karl Ulrich Schreiber,³ and Simon Stellmer¹. ¹ University of Bonn.

"Photonics4Industry": Tagung und Delegationsreise (Wien, Sensorik-Bayern

"Cavity Dual-Comb for Spectroscopy and Ranging Applications" lautet dabei der Titel der Keynote von Oliver Heckl (University of Vienna).

Long Night of Research 2018CoQuS

Oliver Heckl) presented their modern laser-optical tools, which enable the precise analysis of very small molecule concentrations in gas samples, such as Tumor ...
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