Oliver Jenny Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Jenny)


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Google News: Michael Ball co-producirá el estreno en el West End de LOVE STORY

[todoMUSICALES] - Él, Oliver Barrett IV, es hijo de un poderoso banquero, mientras que el padre de Jenny es un humilde emigrante italiano. Ambos consiguen vencer las

The Railway Children at Waterloo extends into 2011

[Stage] Museum by Jenny King and Matthew Gale for The Touring Consortium (Railway Children), Tristan Baker, Oliver Royds, PW Productions and Sue Scott Davison.

Our next governor general inspired a character in Love Story

[Toronto Star] - With Jenny hollering, “Go, Oliver, go! Knock their heads off,” Oliver dishes a pass to Davey, and “Davey slapped it into the nets. Harvard score!

Google News: Les héros ne sont rien sans leurs acolytes

[20minutes.fr] - Et si le héros est un humain, son sidekick sera un animal (Pocahontas avec Fleet et Miko) ou l'inverse (Jenny dans Oliver et Compagnie).
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