Osama Halal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Osama Halal)


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Amal Arafeh as Juliet | Al Bawaba

Syrian actress Amal Arafah is contemplating whether to play the role of Juliet in a new Syrian version of the play “Romeo and Juliet

Ahram Online - PROGRAMME: Mawred celebrates turning 10, launches...

PROGRAMME Mawred celebrates turning 10, launches Bidoun Takleef

AFAC - Arab Fund for Arts and Culturewww.arabculturefund.org › News

· ... Moroccan artist and performer Youness Atbane; “Sisilah” by Rezodanse (Egypt); and “Above Zero” by Osama Halal (Koon Theatre) from Syria.

PROGRAMME: Mawred celebrates turning 10, launches Bidoun Takleef -...

Celebrating ten years of Mawreds history, seven performances by Arab artists will take place in Cairo, Alexandria and Beirut from 25 September through late...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Osama Halal
Vorname "Osama" (701)
Name "Halal" (18)
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