Oswin Schreiber Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oswin Schreiber)


ClariPhy Announces Bookham Design Win Enabling First MLSE-Based

Collaboration Enables Performance, Size, and Power Dissipation Advantages ClariPhy Communications, Inc., a fabless semiconductor company specializing

Lightwave Newsletter

By Oswin Schreiber, Ph.D., ClariPhy Communications -- The combination of SFP+ and EDC has enabled the deployment of high-density, low-cost 10GbE ...

ClariPhy Launches 10 Gb/s CDR with MLSE at OFC/NFOEC 2009

Single-Chip CMOS CDR Sets New Benchmark for EDC Power and Performance in 10 Gb/s Telecom Networks ClariPhy Communications, Inc., a fabless semiconductor
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