Pardo Bazan Person-Info 

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Noticias sobre Emilia Pardo Bazán | EL PAÍS
su primera novela, escrita con 13 años y editada íntegra por primera vez.

Guardian: The House of Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazán – review | Paperbacks | The...

Nicholas Lezard's paperback of the week: There is something reminiscent of Waugh's Scoop in the way Bazán sees the almost gleeful corruption of local politics

Obituary: Maurice Hemingway | The Independent | The Independent
Maurice John Dominic Hemingway, Spanish scholar: born London 2 November 1945; Reader in Modern Spanish Literature, Exeter University ; died Exeter

Emilia Pardo Bazan
Emilia Pardo Bazan: Alle wichtigen Informationen über Leben, Wirken und Werke der spanischen Schriftstellerin auf einen Blick!
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