Pat Wenderoth Person-Info 

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Biology education researcher Mary Pat Wenderoth named Bruce...
Mary Pat Wenderoth, a Principal Lecturer in biology at the University of Washington, has been named the winner of the Bruce Alberts Award for Excellence...

Active Learning in the Classroom - CLEAR/CTIE Faculty › event › active_learning_in_th...
Mary Pat Wenderoth is a principal lecturer in the Biology Department at the University of Washington, where she teaches animal physiology courses and ...

ASU researcher leads national effort to transform undergraduate...
(L-R) Alison Crowe (UW), Mary Pat Wenderoth (UW), Sara Brownell (ASU), Scott Freeman (UW). Credit: Gretchen Shirley-Bellande. BioCore ...

Biology Education Researcher Named Bruce Alberts Award Winner |...
Mary Pat Wenderoth, a Principal Lecturer in biology at the University of Washington, has been named the winner of ASCB’s Bruce Alberts Award for...
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