Patricia Chavez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patricia Chavez)


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Taz: Chef-Schleuserin festgenommen -

Die 25-jährige Karla Patricia Chavez soll regelmäßig Immigranten unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen über die Grenze von Mexiko in ...

Patricia-Chavez | National Post
Read the latest news and coverage on Patricia Chavez. View images, videos, and more on Patricia Chavez on National Post.

Leader of fatal smuggling gets 17 years - Houston Chronicle
Smuggling leader gets 17-year term$LINEBREAK$She cries, seeks forgiveness for her role in the deaths of 19 in trailer The woman convicted of leading a bungled...

Patricia Chavez | ONU News
Patricia Chavez. Patricia Chaves diz que mulheres têm de ser incluídas no planejamento. Foto: Laura Gelbert · Agenda urbana sem incluir mulheres “seria erro ...
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