Patricia Limmer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patricia Limmer)


Dressur und Springturnier Laurent
Patricia Limmer. Pffrd. RH Laurent e.V.. Leopold W / Hann / F Londonderry / Brentano II / O: Limmer,Patricia / B: Nordmann,Erhard ...

Eicherloh RH Laurent Dressurturnier
Patricia Limmer. Pffrd. Reiterhof Laurent e.V.. Fürst Furchtlos. W / Rhld / B Fürst Piccolo / Desperados / B: Limmer,Patricia / Z: Baumeister, ... › event › startlist

Jury awards family $6 million in railroad crossing death
— "It's been a long eight years," Patricia Limmer said Friday as she and her daughters, Billye Smith and Bobbye Notnangel, cried and embraced ... › Ju...
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