Patrick Flanaghan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patrick Flanaghan)


(1 - 4 von 19

Straight couples could be given ‘right’ to civil partnerships | The...
Henry Edmont Cane and partner Christopher Patrick Flanaghan who were the first male couple to win legal recognition for their ...

Christopher Patrick Flanaghan - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Christopher Patrick Flanaghan including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

2005 Year in Photos -
Henry Edmont Cane, left, and partner Christopher Patrick Flanaghan pose for the media outside Belfast City Hall, Northern Ireland, Dec

Guardian: The only way is marriage? | Suzanne Moore | The Guardian

Suzanne Moore: A romantic partner for life and a white wedding with all the trimmings … as long as you conform, even the Tories are prepared to embrace...
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Vorname "Patrick" (48799)
Name "Flanaghan" (3)
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