Patrick Hawes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patrick Hawes)


(1 - 4 von 8

Norfolk singers given the chance to perform Patrick Hawes' poignant...
Composer Patrick Hawes has written a special choral symphony commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War, and now singers from Norfolk are...

The Great War Symphony: how music can honour the fallen
Composer Patrick Hawes will use community music to memorialise the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the First World War. Ivan Hewett speaks to him

Album: Patrick Hawes, Fair Albion: Visions Of England (Signum...
Patrick Hawes is rather like the Piers Gough of British classical composers, firmly adhering to the tried and trusted values of an earlier era, notably the...

News | Going Ashore: Fair Winds and Following Seas, MUCS Patrick Hawes
NBNE COMMENTARY: "Going Ashore: Fair Winds and Following Seas, MUCS Patrick Hawes". Patrick Y. Hawes (U.S. Navy photo/Released).
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