Patrick Jagoda Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patrick Jagoda)


(1 - 4 von 13

Patrick Jagoda - Alenda Y. Chang and Ashlyn › event › patrick-jagoda-experi...
Patrick Jagoda will discuss Experimental Games: Critique, Play, and Design in the Age of Gamification. He will be joined in conversation by Alenda Y. Chang ...

Elective Studies Supper Club Vol. 11: Patrick Jagoda - IL › events › elective-studies-sup...
· Patrick Jagoda, a meal by chef Gabe Freeman, and an opening drink by Land & Sea Dept. Beverage Director Paul McGee. This event is part of our ...

Digital Diaspora Symposium - University of Rochester Calendar
The University of Rochester is one of the nation's leading private universities. Located in Rochester, N.Y., the University is comprised of a small, collegiate...

Conference explores humanities labs
Conference delves into best practices and rationale for the institutions.
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Person "Jagoda" (3)
Vorname "Patrick" (48799)
Name "Jagoda" (141)
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