Patty Smyth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patty Smyth)


(1 - 4 von 27
) Becker-Festspiele auf ProSieben: Advantage Bobbele

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Er schw?rmt vom Geschmack schwarzer Frauen und verr?t, warum er sich die Haare f?rbt: Gestern deb?tierte Tennis-Rentner Boris Becker auf ProSieben mit seinem Portr?t-Format "Boris Becker meets...". Gast und Ex-Rivale John McEnroe hatte beim Plauder-Duell allerdings das Nachsehen. 

SEEN: Alive at Five with Patti Smyth - Times Union
Were you Seen at the Patty Smyth concert at Alive at Five on Thursday, June 21st, 2012? Photo: Tim Eason. Were you Seen at the Patty Smyth ...

Drugs and my doomed marriage, by McEnroe - Telegraph
The passionate tennis player John McEnroe revealed in America yesterday that his marriage to the actress Tatum O'Neal was as turbulent as his on court antics...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Patty Smyth
John McEnroe
Vorname "Patty" (1726)
Name "Smyth" (269)
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