Paul Goes Person-Info 

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Google News: Ron Paul Goes All In Against Republican Leadership (VIDEO)

[TPMDC] - Attention Republican primary voters opposed to raising the debt ceiling and fed up with the men running the party in Congress: Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) wants you to know he's been there for you before, and he'll be there for you again.

Pals gear up for cycle ride in memory of hero soldier
[The Bolton News] - Mr Tipping, aged 44, said: “Paul goes on tours regularly, and last year he did Iceland. We were talking about something we could do this year and we came up with Barcelona to Bolton for charity. We told Darren's parents and they were over the moon.

Google News: The Daily Beast Reads Rep. Ron Paul's New Book So You Don't Have To

[] - Paul goes on to hope “that [both parties] will continue fighting and not pass any new legislation.” Then there are the “conspiracy theories” and bargain bin of wacky side issues that do Rep. Paul in for Graham: He praises Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

Google News: JOANN DALGARD: We need some rain to settle the dust

[San Angelo Standard Times] - (1 Corinthians 9:24 RSV) St. Paul goes on to say, "Every athlete exercises self-control in all things." (1 Corinthians 9:26a RSV) He concludes with, "I do not run aimlessly, I do not box as one beating air; but I pommel my body and subdue it
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