Paul Rubio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Paul Rubio)


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Blog: Hillary Clinton ǀ Madam President — der Freitag
hat ihre erneute Präsidentschaftskandidatur erklärt. Die erste Frau im Weißen Haus? Die Chancen stehen besser denn je. Doch ist sie auch die Richtige?

Rand Paul: Marco Rubio ought to show up for Senate votes
Paul: Rubio ought to show up for Senate votes; Paul plans to filibuster the bipartisan budget deal. Washington (CNN) Rand Paul said Jeb ...

Driver sentenced in fatal crash | The Seattle Times
After hearing a tearful apology from a pregnant Lynnwood woman who was driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol when she …...

Around Pleasanton: Athlete beats odds life dealt him - The Mercury › › around-ple...
· When Paul Rubio wiggled his toes for the first time at age 3, the doctors were dumbfounded. Born with severe spina bifida, a condition in ...
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