Paul Thachil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Paul Thachil)


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Food: Batter & better - Times of India
Sunday Times News: Hectic lifestyles have contributed to the growing market for packaged products. Paul Thachil, a senior Mother Dairy executive, says,

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Selon un laboratoire indépendant, les versions indiennes de ces sodas américains contiennent un taux de pesticide 36 fois plus élevé que la moyenne.

FNB News - Mother Dairy's natural vanilla ice creams | FNB News
... segment and launch of new natural flavour in the segment would help us in increasing our share", Mother Dairy CEO Paul Thachil said.

HEALTH-INDIA: Coca-Cola's Cup of Woes Overflows | Inter Press Service
The chairman of the Kerala Pollution Control Board (KPCB), Paul Thachil, wants an immediate stop to the distribution of ”hazardous waste,” to ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Paul Thachil
Jose Thachil
Vorname "Paul" (53446)
Name "Thachil" (5)
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