Pearl A Ellis Person-Info 

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Google News: Designan a Ellis Pérez director general de Cine

:31 [El Nuevo Diario (República Dominicana)] – SANTO DOMINGO.- El presidente Leonel Fernández, mediante el decreto , designó este martes a Eliseo Antonio (Ellis) Pérez García como director general de Cine, ya Marlon Soto como viceministro de Cultura para Asuntos Cinematográficos.

Neighbors: Local college students earn dean's list recognition
:19 [Ithaca Journal] – Emma Bedor, SUNY Geneseo; Courtney J. Burke, Presidential Scholar, Clarkson University; Elena Casey, Messiah College; Jessica Chamberlain, SUNY Geneseo; Hannah L. Dunbar, Alfred University; Joshua A. Ellis, Alfred University; Ari Entlich

Google News: News 10 WTEN: Albany, New York News, Weather, SportsPolice investigate slaying ...

:57 [WTEN] – Stanley was taken to a Ellis Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Neighbors say the fight occurred during a party located at 730 Bridge St. in Schenectady where Stanley was working as a disc jockey. Stanley was a sophomore at Schenectady High School

Google News: 1375-Acre Shivwits Fire Near Containment

:02 [KCSG] – by Jordan A. Ellis, Contributor Fire fighters check hot spots of wild fire northwest of St. George, Utah. (BLM photos) (St. George, UT) - A man caused wildland fire qhich started Friday afternoon forcing evacuation of the Shivwits village is about 75%
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