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2014 Midlanders of the Year - The Nebraska Ebola Team - -...
Peter Iwen, director of the Nebraska Public Health Laboratory, said people were “looking at us for guidance as to how this is being done.

Nebraska leads nation in deaths due to West Nile as mosquito season...
That part of the state has the highest population, which means more people are around to be bitten, said Peter Iwen, professor of pathology and ...

UNMC Discovers Mycrobacterium, Names It for Nebraska
After four cancer patients in five years contracted the same mysterious, life-threatening lung infection, a cancer physician wanted to know exactly what bacteri

Schulleiter beurlaubt
SCHWEICH. Der Leiter des evangelischen Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasiums Schweich, Heinrich Bentemann, ist vom Vorstand der Schulträger-Stiftung mit
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