Peter Woloschuk Person-Info 

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BC Professor's company in charge of Pope's PR
10. Okt · These five short days took almost a year to plan. Peter Woloschuk, Boston College professor of communications and founder of Woloschuk Communications, was in charge of organizing the public relations forthe Papal visit and has been in the planing stage for the visit since the first of the year. Woloschuk explained that numerous steps ...

As Summer Winds Down | Dorchester Reporter
— I had a chance to speak with Elaine Doherty, Mary Carney, Peter Woloschuk, and Marie Faux, who had brought to the event her pretty, ... › summe...

Joy of Spring | Dorchester Reporter
“The sky warms, awakened by the breath of spring. Critters yawn, rubbing winter from their eyes, as tree boughs burst into welcome blossoms.” By Joy Shoppre

Voices: Ukrainian Americans tense as Crimea vote nears
— ... but often younger recent emigres from (Russified) eastern Ukraine," says Peter Woloschuk, media coordinator for Harvard University's ... › news › nation ›
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