Petra Brings Person-Info 

( Ich bin Petra Brings)


(1 - 4 von 35

Event Tech Welcomes Petra CompelEvent Tech
Petra brings twenty-five years of special events experience along with local market savvy in the Baltimore/DC region. We have had a long relationship with Petra ... Petra brings twenty-five years of special events experience along with local market savvy in the Baltimore/DC region. We have had a long relationship with Petra ...

Introducing PGA Professional, Petra ColeCoronado Golf Course
Petra brings immense talent and teaching abilities with her and has worked in all facets of golf operations. She has been a class “A” PGA Professional since ... Petra brings immense talent and teaching abilities with her and has worked in all facets of golf operations. She has been a class “A” PGA Professional since ...

Theme: Our Transgenerational WorldTED
Petra Biberbach is Chief Executive of award-winning national charity, PAS. With a career spanning public, private and third sector, Petra brings a wealth of ... Petra Biberbach is Chief Executive of award-winning national charity, PAS. With a career spanning public, private and third sector, Petra brings a wealth of ...

Forrest Solutions Elevates Petra Parros to Vice President of ...Forrest Solutions
— Petra brings over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry developing and executing company-wide initiatives — Petra brings over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry developing and executing company-wide initiatives.
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