Philippe Kalmbach Person-Info 

( Ich bin Philippe Kalmbach)


(1 - 4 von 18

Stock rally to end soon: Investors turn to drinks, but not in the › ar...
... according to Chief Executive Officer Philippe Kalmbach. He is also the founder of Wine Source Group, which buys wines from among the top ...

Polaroid reinventa la... Polaroid
Proprio a ridosso dell'annuncio con cui ha decretato la fine delle sue famose macchine fotografiche istantanee, Polaroid ha svelato l'intenzione di lanciare...

Die neuen Drucker können reden - WELT
Die Hardware-Industrie arbeitet an neuen, intelligenten PC-Printern, die bald auch Düfte verbreiten sollen

Bordeaux ‘16 vintage quality likely to push wine prices higher...
LONDON, April 22 — The Bordeaux vintage is shaping up to be potentially the best for at least six years, comparable in structure and richness with the...
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