Pierre Proske Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pierre Proske)


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High St Northcote tree lights: concerns for animals despite reportwww.heraldsun.com.au › leader › north › news-story

· Since 2015, Pierre Proske's Call and Response has lined 17 trees on High St. It emits light and sound, including calls of the bell miner ...

Schicke ein Lächeln nach Bhutan - oe1.ORF.at

Österreichs größtes Kultur- und Informationsmedium – Nachrichten, Journale, Reportagen, Radiokunst und Musik.

Artist makes fabric with voice › News in Science (ABC Science)

Pierre Proske has developed computer software that translates different frequencies in someone's voice into spiral patterns, producing what he ...

Pierre Proske :: biography at :: at Design and Art Australia...

Electronic artist, sound designer and electronic musician Pierre Proske creates work which is concerned with the pervasiveness of technology in culture and its ...
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