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(1 - 4 von 59
) A Plea for Common Sense: Why NATO Should Withdraw from Afghanistan -...

It is difficult for politicians to admit they were wrong. But when it comes to Afghanistan, the consequences of not doing so could be high. It is time for the...

MH17: Silene Frederiksz's plea for justice - CNN
MH17: A mother's plea for truth and justice. By Erin McLaughlin, Lindsay Isaac and Bryony Jones, CNN. Updated 6:18 AM ET, Tue October 13, ...

Veterans plea for military to join protest of Harper government |...
A group of angry veterans, who want the Harper government defeated in the next election, is appealing to serving members of the military to join them in...

A plea for healthy eating - Washington Times
There's an elephant in the middle of the emergency room, but we're too busy arguing about Obamacare to see him.
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