Princess Dagmar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Princess Dagmar)


(1 - 4 von 5

BBC NEWS | Europe | Tsar's mother reburied in Russia
The remains of the mother of Russia's last tsar are buried in St Petersburg, in line with her last wishes.

Guardian: Parties from the past | Fiction | The Guardian

Review: Past Imperfect by Julian FellowesDJ Taylor considers an excavation of upper-class English life

Last Emperor of Russia. Part II
Heralds ride on horse-back through the streets of Moscow proclaiming the forthcoming coronation of Tsar Nicholas II, P.S. All pictures are presented in...

HRH The Crown Princess visits St. Petersburg | The Danish Monarchy -...
Among them are letters by H.C. Andersen, in which the author tells about the Danish Princess Dagmar and the Princess's departure from ...
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