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River bacteria may reflect climate changes - UPI.comwww.upi.com › Science_News › › Rive...

· The study's co-author, Assistant Professor Rainer Amon of Texas A&M University, said the six river systems are comparable in size to the ...

Scientists trying to solve methane mystery in Gulf disaster

This is what fascinates scientists: how methane and other gases that make up an estimated...

Eisfreie Arktis bis "realistisch" - ORF ON Sciencesciencev1.orf.at › news

... wird die Arktis bis im Sommer weitgehend eisfrei sein - ein Szenario, das der österreichische Bio-Geo-Chemiker Rainer Amon für realistisch hält.

Guardian: BP spill: Scientists scramble to find out where the oil wentwww.theguardian.com › environment › sep › bp-oil...

· Below deck on the Arctic Sunrise, five miles off the BP well, Rainer Amon, an ocean scientist at Texas A&M University at Galveston is ...
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