Rainer Plaschka Person-Info 

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Rainer Plaschka in Deutschlandsberg auf Locaverse.atLocaverse

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A day in the life: Rainer PlaschkaAcclaro

Meet Rainer Plaschka, test lead at Acclaro. Who manages localization and linguistic quality assurance (QA) initiatives for software applications, ... We're thrilled to announce that Rainer Plaschka, Test Lead at Acclaro is celebrating his 15-year anniversary with the company this month.

Acclaro | (914) | Irvington, New YorkAllBiz

They include: Ora Solomon, Helena Blomqvist, Rainer Plaschka, Pavel Orlov, John Ritzdorf, Rachel Ferris, Jeffrey Evans, Elizabeth Dunn Marsi & Annemieke ...
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