Raymond Chan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raymond Chan)


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Winning five set for battle

[The Standard] - Fellow league lawmaker Raymond Wong Yuk-man denied the two parties had overestimated themselves. Albert Chan Wai-yip, the third re- elected league lawmaker

Defiant pan-democrats sense victory of sorts

[The Standard] - "It has never happened in the past 20 years and is a landmark for the city's democratic movement," Chan said. Kowloon West candidate "Mad Dog" Raymond Wong

Peter Charalambous, you ain't no Andros!

[Bluff Europe Magazine] - Finding AT he moved all in pre-flop and right next to him Raymond Chan moved all in as well with JJ. Everybody else folded and the board came:

Yuan-Aufwertung vor der Tür?

[WELT ONLINE] China gegeben hat, dass der Yuan aufgewertet wird“, sagt Raymond Chan, Chef-Anlagestratege für Asien von RCM, einer Fondstochter des Allianz-Konzerns.
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