Raymond Earl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raymond Earl)


(1 - 4 von 19

U.S. Army veteran in Colombia feels like he's caught in a no-fly trap...

A 29-year-old U.S. citizen and Army veteran sits in a bare apartment in a poor part of the Colombian capital, Bogota. He wants to come home, but he can't. He...

Raymond Earl Hanselman | Honolulu Hawaii Obituaries - Hawaii...

Honolulu Hawaii obituaries, daily Hawaii newspaper obituaries. Hawaii obits and Hawaii death notices

Raymond Earl Buffie Obituary | Star Tribune

Raymond Earl Buffie. Buffie, Raymond Earl 83 years old. Rockford, MN. Died peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones on April 5, of natural causes.

Veterans among Americans suing over fed's no-fly list | Fox News

Being placed on the government’s no-fly list has “immensely” affected the life of an Army veteran who converted to Islam, the veteran’s father told FoxNews.com.
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