Airport im Yasni Exposé von Reiner Koch

(1032 seit 23.03.2008)


Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: BI-Architektur: Der Airport Navigator Lean Controlling
Reiner Koch @ Flughafen Stuttgart, Plochingen

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11 Informationen zu Reiner Koch

Ungültige URL: Journal of Airport Management - Cost and revenue planning, forecasting and control – A Case Study

Finance and Investment Cost and revenue planning, forecasting and control – A Case Study Reiner Koch, Flughafen Stuttgart and Wolfram Weber ISO Software Systeme Abstract Stuttgart Airport has undertaken a series of projects to enhance its cost and revenue controlling system in order to support decision making and strategy in the changing market.The system answers questions like:Where can we achieve additional efficiency? Which market segments and which customers account for profits, which add to losses, and why? What drives the degree of resource utilisation and which resources show efficient utilisation and which do not? How many passengers will there be next year? With which airlines and on which routes? What resources will be needed in order to meet the demand and what cost impact will this have? The system also responds to ‘what if ’ scenarios, such as a new airline entering the Stuttgart market, an airline ceasing operations, a particular destination performing well or poorly etc.The system considers both airport operations as well as ground handling. Keywords cost, revenue, planning, controlling, simulation, scenario, software, ERP
6x 11.12.08  +  

Journal of Airport Management

Abstract Stuttgart Airport has undertaken a series of projects to enhance its cost and revenue controlling...
Reiner Koch @ Plochingen
6x 11.12.08  +  

Cost and revenue planning and control at Stuttgart Airport

Abstract Stuttgart Airport has undertaken a series of projects to enhance its cost and revenue controlling system in order to support decision making and strategy in the changing market.The system answers questions like:Where can we achieve additional efficiency? Which market segments and which customers account for profits, which add to losses, and why? What drives the degree of resource utilisation and which resources show efficient utilisation and which do not? How many passengers will there be next year? With which airlines and on which routes? What resources will be needed in order to meet the demand and what cost impact will this have? The system also responds to ‘what if ’ scenarios, such as a new airline entering the Stuttgart market, an airline ceasing operations, a particular destination performing well or poorly etc.The system considers both airport operations as well as ground handling. Keywords cost, revenue, planning, controlling, simulation, scenario, software, ERP
Reiner Koch @ Plochingen
5x 11.12.08  +  

Cost and revenue planning and control at Stuttgart Airport

Abstract: Stuttgart Airport has undertaken a series of projects to enhance its cost and revenue controlling system in order to support decision making and strategy in the changing market. The system answers questions like: Where can we achieve additional efficiency? Which market segments and which customers account for profits, which add to losses, and why? What drives the degree of resource utilisation and which resources show efficient utilisation and which do not? How many passengers will there be next year? With which airlines and on which routes? What resources will be needed in order to meet the demand and what cost impact will this have? The system also responds to ‘what if’ scenarios, such as a new airline entering the Stuttgart market, an airline ceasing operations, a particular destination performing well or poorly etc. The system considers both airport operations as well as ground handling. ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------- Keywords: cost, revenue, planning, controlling, simulation, scenario, software, ERP
Reiner Koch @ Plochingen
6x 11.12.08  +  

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Reiner Koch @ Flughafen Stuttgart, Plochingen

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