Rhiannon Norman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rhiannon Norman)


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Lebanon Middle School honor roll for first term

Mujhtaba Alam,  Inchon Allie,  Yealitza Aviles, Boyer Christella,  Arial Brandt, Wesley Brugger, Julien Coleman, Michael Downs, Austin Drahovsky, Amy Fahler,...

Top marks St Clare’s - Wales Online

A TEAM of sixth form pupils won a challenge against neighbouring comprehensive schools to win the Bridgend round of the Young Consumer of the Year Competition.

Crime prevention quiz | Glamorgan Gem Ltd

St Clare's year-8 crime prevention team were runners up in the All Wales school liaison core programme quiz.

Student entrepreneurs win business awards - Wales Online

SIXTH form pupils from St Clare’s School in Porthcawl won awards for their entrepreneurial skills at the Welsh Young Enterprise competition.
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