Richard Holbrooke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Richard Holbrooke)


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Google News: Apurar la apuesta egipcia

[La Estrella Digital] - El tranquilo y discreto Grossman podría tener más suerte a la hora de catalizar este proceso que su enérgico predecesor, el difunto Richard Holbrooke. Hay un nuevo ímpetu procedente de Afganistán y Pakistán también. El Primer Ministro paquistaní Yousaf

Matt Gurney: The rebirth of Gen. McChrystal
[National Post (blog)] - Most of the worst quotes, those critical of President Obama, Vice-President Biden and then-US ambassador to Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke, were not spoken by McChrystal at all, but by members of his staff. Because of this, the official probe has found

WikiLeaked, govt gives visiting US senators a wide berth
[Times of India] - Richard Holbrooke's successor, Marc Grossman, will also be here at the end of April to talk Afghanistan-Pakistan with India. The India-US strategic dialogue is slated for July which will see US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visiting here.

Kolumne: Holbrooke, gegenwärtig
[WELT ONLINE] - Richard Holbrooke war noch einmal gegenwärtig in den Erinnerungen seiner Freunde, Kollegen und Bewunderer, von der amerikanischen Außenministerin Hillary Clinton bis zu Staatsminister Hoyer, MdB, vom Auswärtigen Amt. Von der Witwe Kati Marton
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